Community Voices

Community Voices

Sharing stories and celebrating communities.

Community Voices is a plan designed to promote and advance African Nova Scotian communities through the documenting and archiving of culture and heritage, and the highlighting of people and places. The plan was created by African Nova Scotians and complied by ANSA after community consultations related to celebration and recognition.

Can you think of something that’s important for others to know about African Nova Scotians? Is there a person or place in your community you think should be honoured? This is your opportunity to make it happen.

Community Voices is a series of six programs. Each includes a program guide designed to help individuals and communities participate in activities - from gathering stories worth sharing to promoting African Nova Scotian achievements and places of cultural or historic importance.


Community Profiles

This program aims to have profiles created for each of the province’s African Nova Scotian communities. Profiles can include information such as memorable people, important sites, history and population. Completed profiles should be sent to ANSA for documentation, posting on ANSA’s website and to help promote African Nova Scotian communities when opportunities arise.

download the Community Profiles Guide (PDF 126 KB)


Community Celebrations

This program will help communities plan annual events and create new ones. It includes ideas for promotion and fundraising, and checklists for all stages of planning. A completed proposal can be used to apply for funding from ANSA or to have ANSA help promote your event.

download the Community Celebrations Guide (PDF 224 KB)


Recognizing the achievements of African Nova Scotians

ANSA's Recognition Program celebrates individuals and groups who have made positive contributions to the African Nova Scotian community in the areas of education, public service, business service and community service.

learn more about this program


Sites of Significance for Recognition

This program will assist communities in identifying and evaluating sites of historical or cultural significance that should be recognized and preserved. This includes possible recognition at the municipal, provincial, national or international level. The guide includes criteria for determining heritage assets, resources, and information about heritage organizations.

download the Sites of Significance for Recognition Guide (PDF 113 KB)


Community Awards

This program will help communities recognize citizens through awards and celebration. The guide includes ideas for awards that can be established to honour remarkable African Nova Scotians of today and the past. ANSA will assist in the promotion of awards and recipients.

download the Community Awards Guide (PDF 133 KB)


Share Your Story!

This program is about sharing as many African Nova Scotian stories as possible. Submit a story about something that’s important to you or your community. It could be a person, a place, a tradition or anything else. Stories can be submitted in writing (500-1000 words) with photos, or as a 3-5 minute video or audio recording. Your story could be featured in the ANSA newsletter, on websites, museum displays, promotional material or other media.

download the Share Your Story! Guide (PDF 270 KB)