Black Museums and the Effort to Preserve African Nova Scotian History

Please note that this list includes both government-run events and community-run events. If you have a question about a community-run event, please contact the event organizer directly. Community-run event information is provided for convenience only. The Province bears no responsibility for the accuracy of information about community-run events, the manner in which community-run events are operated, or for the cancellation of community-run events.
Tuesday, 18 February, 2025 - 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
Free Admission
Organized By: Jenny Nodelman, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Home to the largest and oldest Indigenous Black community in the nation, Nova Scotia is the birthplace of Black history in Canada. Join Russell Grosse, executive director of the Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia for an inspiring discussion about the ongoing efforts to protect, promote, and preserve a history that spans back over 400 years.


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