Afrofutursm: Embracing a New African Nova Scotian Perspective (Dartmouth North)

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Saturday, 10 February, 2018 to
Wednesday, 21 February, 2018
Dartmouth North Library; 105 Highfield Park Dr; Dartmouth
Organized By: Halifax Public Libraries

Afrofuturism is the black mythology of the 20th, 21st Century. It is within this mythology we are able to explore questions like being “What if slavery never happened, or If only we could get together as a people , Or If we continue to allow the N word to be part of our culture as an example of how to begin….

It is in this context that the artwork of Embracing Afrofuturism: The New African Canadian Destination of Excellence Visual Artist exhibition is born

Location: Dartmouth North Library, 105 Highfield Park Dr, Dartmouth
Date(s): February 10th-Feb 21st
Time: T-Th 10-5, Fri-Sat 10-5, Sun12-2


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